Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Fitness & Life

Transform Your Body Faster

Try over a program to expedite your physical transformation. There are a few things that you can do besides eating well. Try exercising and stay positive.

Stay Positive
Believe that transformation is possible even when you haven’t seen the changes that you want yet.

Overcome: Many against odds
Where you didn’t expect something to happen and then whoa, there it was. Do you know that someone who taught they will never lose weight, meet that very special person “Personal Trainer” and then they achieved what they were looking forward to? Like YOU & ME….anyone can overcome the dilemma.

Be Sure:
There is one thing that you can be sure of in life, and that is change. Make sure yours happens quickly and in the way you want by staying positive and taking the right steps that you should take.

Lend a hand for ME to help YOU

Remove destructions like food that you don’t want to eat and get rid people who have unworthy habits that you trying to break. Surround yourself with people and materials that mirror the changes that you want for yourself.

Stop Using Excuses
There are always excused and I am sure you must have used them all. If your desire to change becomes greater that your fear of changing, the excuses will get away. Nothing can stop you from becoming the new YOU. Enough with the EXCUSES.

Accepting Yourself is the first step to success

Training & Fitness: Where to start?

Ø Start with total acceptance of where you are TODAY
Ø Start training from here
Ø Make yourself a weekly exercise routine, whether it’s for 3 days a week or 5 days a week
Ø Pick a program and schedule that you know where you are able to keep up with

Next, stop thinking about the results. Your body will respond if you get yourself into the athlete mindset and workout like you mean it.

Your training has to be not only consistent but also effortful. Walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes a day while reading magazine isn’t going to get you what you desire.

If you are going to dedicate 30 minutes to exercise, you might as well make it count. Follow a guided program or work with either an instructor or coach. Someone who is able to push you to the next level based on your own effort you have gotten “here”. To get “there” or where you want to be, put your training in someone’s hand. Find a “Personal Trainer” to help you to take you there.

Welcome to AK CareFit Centre & Happy Training.